
Looking for a blank slate on a spiritual level?

Perhaps you've just gone through your dark night of the soul and feel ready to ascend to your next levels of healing.

Starseeds came to this planet with the mission to raise the vibrations of the collective.

The STARSEED CRYSTAL CLEARING + ACTIVATION is a powerful guided journey that will not only clear your auric field but also activate your DNA on a spiritual level to promote healing on all levels (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually). 

During this session you are brought into a state of complete relaxation where you are then guided through a crystal clearing, removing blocked chakras, closing wounds in the auric field, and releasing energies that are not in alignment with your vibration. 

Once the auric field is clear you are then guided through a deep activation of your cells using crystal energy and Pleiadian guidance(light codes). This activation strengthens your auric field and raises your vibration giving you access to new realms, new lessons and bringing forth major transformational shifts in your physical life. 

Book this session when...

💫You overcome a series of shadow work and feel like you need to recalibrate.

💫You have been in the void and feel in need of a clearing and activation.

💫You just recently underwent an awakening.

💫You are being intuitively guided to it.

*Sessions are hosted via Zoom*

*Enhance your experience by booking an "in person" session (Virginia Beach residents/visitors only)*
